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更新时间:2024-04-20 20:48:29


  上网至今一年来,感受了虚幻与真实交融似花似雾的世界,聆听了网络朋友们背后林林总总的悲欢喜忧的故事,总有一种欲望在冲击着自己的心魂,总有一种很想写的迫切冲动.于是,在一个不经意的晚上,我开始了第一篇很不成型的网络情感的构思,即<<拿夜色酿酒作陪>>,这篇文章至今都没有成型,不知道为什么每次去敲这篇文字的时候,我的眼前就会浮动那一幅让人心颤的画面,那样一个憔悴不堪的痛心彻骨的哀伤百般的男人的神情,当他把他的网恋故事告诉我以后,我很感动,我感动他对我这样一个陌生人的信任,我也从他如泣如诉的回忆里隐隐地感受网络恋情的凄残的美丽.为了那一份虚幻的但是强烈的情感,为了享受那一份刻骨铭心的情感,他他付出了惨重的代价---家庭,事业,工作,他告诉我虽然他现在很苦,虽然他为爱已经伤痕累累,但是他依然没有后悔.....我听着他的故事,我不知道是该惊羡还是凄怜,总之,我说不清楚. 谈到网络情感,很多人都说他是虚幻的,只可玩味,不可当真,谁拿网恋当真谁是一个最容易受伤的傻瓜.思忖着这些语言,观察着网海里穿梭如鱼的人,我一直在思考这样一个问题,尽管是这样一个虚幻的网络,但是操纵虚幻的毕竟是真实的人,他们把自己泡在网上,有时候甚至忘却了黑夜白昼,是什么让他们如此痴迷于这种虚幻中呢?有一次在一个房间听到一对网络情人在麦上对衷情的对方深情的表白,那样一种只有在文学艺术的世界里才有的感天动地的情景,让整个房间都为之流泪为之鼓掌,而这一切又怎么能够和虚幻联系在一起呢?





  Internet has over the past year, the feeling of illusion and reality blend may wish to spend Siwu the world to listen to the network behind the wide range of friends Beihuanxiyou the story, there always exists a desire in the hearts of an impact on his soul, would like to write a total of Urgent impulse. Thus, in a casual evening, I first began forming a network is not the idea of emotion, that is <<night with wine Zuopei>> This article has no shape, do not know why every time This text Quqiao the time, I will float before the eyes of the people Xinchan a screen, as a haggard Chegu sad state of the sadness of the men looked in every possible way, and when he looked to the story he told me later, I am very moved, I moved him a stranger to me the confidence I have memories from his Ruqirusu, Yin Yin network to feel the love of the beautiful Qi residues. To a false but that the strong feelings, in order toenjoy a feeling that he he paid a heavy price - family, career, and he told me that although he is now, although he has been witness to love, but he still did not regret it .... . I listened to his story, I do not know the Jingxian or Qi Ling, a word, I do not know that.

  On network emotion, a lot of people say he is an illusion, can only be interesting, not really, who looked really take one of the most vulnerable who are injured fool. Sicun of these languages, watching the network nautical miles of the shuttle such as fish, and I have been thinking about such an issue, although this is a virtual network, but the illusion of control is, after all, real people, they put themselves in the Internet bubble, and sometimes even forget the night the day, what are they so obsessed with this Illusory in this once in a room to hear a pair of lovers in the network, Mr Zhong Qing on the other side of the declared passionately, as only a literary arts in the world of the flu days before moving to the scene, the whole room It tears it applauded, and all this is how illusory and can be linked to the

  I think this network is an illusion, but he is not reflected in the numerous state Vientiane is also the reflection of the world? From the human point of view, I feel it should be more real. Life of the people live too tired, they back Are all kinds of ideological baggage in the outside world in on their last legs, the cracks in the soil in search for life in the fresh water, due to secularism, because life, they walked their tail Gazhao difficult life, tired, no one can Tired of their habitats; pain, the incisors destroyed Tundao his stomach; wounded, find a dark corner secretly hand a Suanchu the tears, they dare not publicized their feelings, not embrace it From the bottom of my heart the old feelings have been suppressed, is this the life you and me he is real? In the network, they are crazy to vent, in pursuit of laissez-faire, life man of few words of the Internet is Kouruoxuanhe , Daomaoanran life of the people in the Internet, the prototype was completed, such as the life of timid mice in the rough like the Internet, In short, life can not be all that the Internet can become may be.

  They also reveal the emotion in the Internet should also be the case, or more than in real life, they Ganaiganhen, not bound by the secular, the Xunran Tongchou not only a pure emotional, over time and space on the keyboard, Flying a beautiful sentiment, so I appreciate the feelings of Internet users in the beautiful sentiment at the same time, I used a keyboard full-Yun Zhao Na a better description of hope and vision, although sometimes flows on the keyboard has been Sixinliefei Chu''s pain, but the pain Chu contains the sentiment of the more beautiful it is the crystallization of emotion, tears or laughter, or pain or Huan, or his every word and deed, that a true, reveal a pure Therefore, I do not want to see the network gives people the negative side, I use the full truth and love of language strongly it will show a better side to the people, so it is a "network a group of emotional essay" The birth.

  Some friends give me messages, saying that after reading these articles very touched and asked me that there is not my own feelings of the true record, and even some in encouraging me and support me, in the comfort me, I Quanjie. I see these real sincere message, very impressed, after all, the people, they can read from inside the real, the feelings inside can be moved and for me this is the best encouragement and consolation, because I I did not waste many a sleepless night of the keyout, I did not live up to the Internet users a better feeling blessed. We just want to note is that the story inside you, I have also he is You and me his existence, only the text. Precisely because of these, I opened an article, said "When''network emotional prose a group of'' the last one, I feel very heavy. I never Less than return to the kind of mind before the. "

  Finally Thank you, I have to have the support of friends, and also for those who read these articles in the network of friends, I would like to thank those who trust their story and to provide material for me to do those Internet users, thank you, thank you really !

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